TLS Geothermics – The Sioule (Massif Central) geothermal exploration and development project
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The Sioule (Massif Central) geothermal exploration and development project : a 5-7 MWe project with a single doublet, 10-14 MWe with a two doublet option.
The geothermal concept explored in this project is a fault reservoir located in a Crustal Fault Zone deeply rooted in the crust and potentially connected with recent hot magmatic bodies. The Sioule exploration project was selected and initiated in 2015 by TLS Geothermics. The project is located in the French Massif Central. The company has managed and done itself many geological, geophysical and geochemical studies on this full new geothermal area.
![The Sioule (Massif Central) geothermal exploration and development project](
Structural analysis, fluids and heat modeling, geophysical modeling (3D joint inversions), at different scales, has been done on that license. In 2017, a partnership was established with Engie/Storengy to share the project development.
As of february 2020, the partners are waiting for a drilling operation permit delivered by the local autorities. The deep drilling will occur in 2021. The objectives are to find a geothermal resource with temperatures between 160 and 200°C at 3500m depth. Favorable natural permeability is assumed in this area due to its tectonic settings.